Playin by Magic Bazar
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Nos magasins sont tous ouverts ce dimanche 22 Décembre 2024 pour vos achats de Noël
Voltaire, Frappe Deux Fois
History Pack 2 (Deluxe)
028 / 536Majestueuse
Tales of Aria

Voltaire, Frappe Deux Fois

( Voltaire, Strike Twice )

Texte français
Texte anglais
Elemental / Ranger / Weapon / Bow / 2h
Twice per Turn Instant - Resource: You may put an arrow card from your hand face up into an empty arsenal zone you control. If you do, choose 1:

It gains +1 Attack until end of turn.
It gains go again until end of turn.
Elemental / Ranger / Weapon / Bow / 2h
Twice per Turn Instant - Resource: You may put an arrow card from your hand face up into an empty arsenal zone you control. If you do, choose 1:

It gains +1 Attack until end of turn.
It gains go again until end of turn.

Détails sur la carte

History Pack 2 (Deluxe)
028 / 536Majestueuse
Texte français
Texte anglais
Elemental / Ranger / Weapon / Bow / 2h
Twice per Turn Instant - Resource: You may put an arrow card from your hand face up into an empty arsenal zone you control. If you do, choose 1:

It gains +1 Attack until end of turn.
It gains go again until end of turn.
Elemental / Ranger / Weapon / Bow / 2h
Twice per Turn Instant - Resource: You may put an arrow card from your hand face up into an empty arsenal zone you control. If you do, choose 1:

It gains +1 Attack until end of turn.
It gains go again until end of turn.
Tales of Aria
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